ECO print next level

The art of making super clear Eco prints on Cellulose + Protein fibers

In this course, I'll give you the important keys to creating super crispy, clear prints on cellulose and protein fibers.

I will share ALL my knowledge from 10 years of plant print research, and show you EXACTLY what you need to do to make beautiful ECO prints with natural colors - and avoid running colors and blurry prints. You'll get all my best, methods and tested mordant recipes, that will give you shortcut to the best results.

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In this course you will learn

The techniques behind crispy ECO prints

In this course you will learn the art of creating crispy, clear and colorful prints on both cellulose- and protein fibers, using natural colors from flowers and other plant material. You will learn a wide range of tools and theory about ECO printing, and after the course you will be able to create the most beautiful prints with natural colors.

Using the right mordants

any ECO printers struggle with unclear and blurry prints, a topic I've been researching for years and in this course you'll get access to my secret keys, including my best mordants and methods that will lead you straight to the good results - crispy clear prints on cellulose and protein fibers!

What plants and natural dye materials you can use

You will get a basic guide to good dye materials that you can harvest locally, and also guides on how to work with color extracts and liquid color. In addition, there will be a supplier list with addresses to the best suppliers worldwide.

Making prints with background color from plants

In this course, I will teach you how to create prints both on white backgrounds and with colored plant dye backgrounds. In other words, you will also learn how to make your own background colors from natural plant materials - both fresh and dried plant material as well as how to use tannic acid (tannins) to make a background color for your print.

How you can co-create with nature

The course will introduce you to a sensory-stimulating experience with nature, and allow you to connect with your creativity and artistic expression through the natural colors. You will get inspiration on how to create with a deep connection to the cycles of nature and how these cycles affect colors and expressions of your work.

Guide to grow a dye garden

In this course, I share my top tips for growing your own color plants so you can become as self-sufficient as possible with plant dyes. Being self-sufficient with plant dyes is one of the most meaningful and sustainable aspects of working with natural colors - even if you live in the city - it makes sense to grow your own dye plants.

In the course you will get

  • 10 x inspiring, high-quality instructional videos that show you every process from start to finish. You have access to the material for 3 years! 

  • 130+ pages of Step-by-step guides, tutorials, suppliers list etc. to download, print and keep forever.  

  • Access to all my research including recipes, "Secret" mordants and precise techniques, for you to get straight to the good results.


  • A lot of inspirational material, including guides on how to grow your dye plants locally, and everything you need to know to get started with ECO printing.

 Your investment that gives you instant access: 

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Bonus content

Additionally, the course is continuously updated with results from my research. Among other guides you will get acces to the guide series “How to make this print”

You will also get acces to the guide “How to modify natural colors” which will give you the tools to create a much larger color palette and experiment with your mordants.

Is this course for me? 

The course ECO print on cellulose is for your if you would love to…


Mette's courses, will give you the opportunety to make beautiful and usable products, and avoid a lot of the frustrations that many people experience when they start working with natural colors on their own (including myself). Mette is a super inspiring teacher and communicator. All teaching materials are in a high quality, beautifully structured and clearly laid out. You will learn EVERYTHING you need to know about botanical colors to achieve the very best results.

Elisabeth - course participant

Before I took Mette's courses, I had tried different types of plant dyeing and ECO printing on my own. An to be totally honest i was frustrated, because most of the prints I made turned out brown and blurry. During the the “ECO print on cellulose” course I really started to understand how to print with the plants, and I've learned exactly what I needed, to be able to make clear prints with no bleeds.

Anna - course participant

In the course 'Eco Printing next level,' I provide you with the important keys, that enable you to create super sharp and clear prints without your colors running out.

Meet your host

Hi, i am Mette!

I am the founder of Botanical Print Alchemie and a textile designer specializing in botanical printing and dyeing with natural colours. With more than 20 years of experience, I have taught as a lecturer in textile design in different designs schools and held many private courses in botanical printing. For the past decade, I have been focusing on botanical colours and ECO prints, and have done intensive research, cracking some important codes in the field of botanical prints, which I now share in my online courses.

I look forward to sharing this important knowledge with you!

Let the journey begin

The price is inclusive VAT


  • Not at all. It simply means that you will Learn how to truly master the basics — the fundamental techniques and methods — that provide you with crisp and clear eco prints on both cellulose and protein fibers.

    When you master the basics you will be able to go to the more experimental techniques in the course and create unique prints with stunning color palettes.

  • YES it is indeed, as the course is definitely a method you can use with almost every plant you can find.

    The course basically shows you how to get out and collect your local plants, and create stunning cosmic landscapes on silk.

    The plant list is just a suggested list for you to start with, but you can easily work with your own native plant material. That said, some of the plants and the dried plant material are accessible worldwide.

  • In principle, you can work with the natural colours anywhere. I definitely recommend working outside in nature if the time of year allows.

    As time goes by and you dig deeper and deeper into this work you will LOVE to be able to arrange a botanical colour studio inside or outside - im just saying!

  • Not at all. You can use foraged and found plants from everywhere even your green leftovers from the kitchen.

    IF you have acces to some kind of place to grow dye plants, a garden or a balcony that is such a rich and meaningful aspect of this journey with the plant colours. But it is not at all prerequisite.

  • Once you have purchased the course, you have 3 years acces to the video material. All the pdf guides are printable and you can keep them forever.

    With your welcome mail you recieve a personal login, for you to save, so you can view the course as many times as you want.

    Kindly be aware that the course content and your login is personal, and may not be shared with others. If you take the course for inspiration in your business or as a teacher, you must create your own material - as the video content and the pdf files are copyrighted material only for private use.

  • The technique can easily be done with children. It is such a beautiful way of inviting children to connect with nature and their inherent creativity.

    Children are really intuitive and my experience is that they get to immerse themselves very easily with the natural colours. They find the simple native aspects of “collecting plants and creating your own dye and textiles” really appealing.

    I recommend that you try it yourself a few times and just get a feel for the processes. Then you will be able to get picture of how much your children can participate. It is a wonderful and fun way to be together in nature.

    JUST NOTE that the extraction and steaming part, e.g. heating up the water/dye is NOT for children, and you as an adult should take care of that part of the proces.

  • All the colors we work with comes from natural sources. We also work with different metal salts that can adjust the colours and create more stable bindings between the colours and the textile.

    I recommend that you decide for yourself which colors and materials that feels good to use for you.

    Disclaimer: I know that many natural dyers use both Chrome and Cobber - I dont work with them, as a conscious choise as they are extremely poisonous both for humans and the environment.

  • Natural colors are alive and susceptible to both light and use in a completely different way than synthetic colors. They have the ability to change over time, and that invites us to work with our belifs around how we use and reuse ressources, slowfashion and how we can give new life to e.g. natural dyed clothes over and over again, how we wash (not overwash) etc.

    Regarding fabric it also has to do with the pre-mordant process, what colours we use etc. (but that is content in another course). I recommend washing textiles inside out on a gentle washing program at 30 degrees, or preferably by hand, so they last as long as possible. Avoid laying or hanging them to dry in direct sunlight.

    Regarding artwork I prefer to hang it on a wall where it doesn't get direct sunlight.